Geoclense Home Harmonizer



The Geoclense Home Harmonizer generates negative ions to neutralize the harmful EMF (electromagnetic frequencies) circulating your home, including 5G.

Create safe energy space within your environment. Here’s your the plug in solution to geopathic stress and technological  pollution. Without using any power, cleaning your electrical circuits, appliances and personal space.

Introducing Geoclense Home Harmonizer, a leading Solid State Negative Ion Generator. It as an engineered smart crystal designed and created (patent pending) here in Australia. Made from a resin programmed to neutralize up to 30 types of EMR we are exposed to each and every day, all over the world.

It helps neutralize unhealthy frequencies produced by Wi Fi emissions, radio and TV transmissions and all other EMR-producing electrical appliances.  An all in one solution to creating a healthy environment at the comforts of your own home, office or even while travelling.

Covering an area of 200 m² from where you plug it in, it is suitable even for the largest of homes. The Geoclense will even negate the Wi-Fi fields from your neighbors equipment and smart TV’s. Also, it harmonizes the electrical circuit system and everything that is plugged into the sockets, as well as your Smart Meter. It will also clear the effects of 4G and 5G in the atmosphere around your home.

Balancing the source of positive ions deep from the earth below helps remove the naturally occurring geopathic stress found beneath nearly every home. This includes grid lines, black water, sewer pipes and underground water veins.

There is sufficient evidence to show the correlation of Covid-19 and where 5G has been rolled out. Wuhan was the first city in China to install it. The virus has serious implications for those who have high levels of toxicity within their  bodies. These are the ONLY people who have consequences or death, and not those who maintain a solid immunity.

What does a Geoclense Home Harmonizer do?

With just a flick of a switch, the Geoclense helps neutralize harmful, unhealthy energy. It does not use any electricity.

It is specifically designed to harmonize electrical wiring circuit with negative ions to balance positive ions emitted by the technological devices you are surrounded by.

The electromagnetic pollution your devices create within your home or office causes geopathic stress, impacting your nervous system and organs. This can lead to unhealthy cell growth and a compromised immune system. The EM pollution can also deplete oxygen levels which can greatly put you at greater health risks. Some people have reported symptoms such as lethargy, nausea and headaches.

The negative charge frequency generated by your home and office Harmonizer neutralizes any electromagnetic stress on your body.

What will a Geoclense Home Harmonizer help with?

The Harmonizer helps with your health and well being, by counteracting environmental stress on your body with negative ions.

It increases the Photons in the atmosphere -increasing the amount of oxygen in the air when coupled with negative ions.

It balances other sources of positive ions within or around your home such as:

    • Sewer and grey water pipes
    • Electrical appliances, wiring and power lines
    • Fluorescent lightings
    • Wi Fi emissions, bluetooth & mobile devices
    • Mobile phone towers, 4G & 5G network signal
    • Underground water veins
    • Smart meters
    • Air conditioning units
    • Microwave ovens
    • HAARP beams
    • Noxious resonance caused by mould and fungi
      that may be present under floorboards or old carpets

How do I know if a Geoclense Home Harmonizer is working?

Please note, a radiation meter does not measure the effectiveness of a Geoclense, which cannot detect the difference between positive and negative ions. Nothing can remove radiation, nor measure Bioplasmic radiation (human generated)electromagnetic imprints.

The Geoclense neutralizes the effects of the  potentially harmful energies. It has been clinically tested and proven for effectiveness by Accredited professionals worldwide, such has kinesiologists, bio-resonance and energy practitioners, who know how to test an EMR harmonizer and space clearing device, by checking the electromagnetic stress on meridians and organs.

Also helps with naturally occurring earth radiation called Geopathic stress. Examples found under nearly every home and building include:

    • Hartman, Curry, Benker & 400 meter Earth Magnetic Grid lines
    • Earth fissures
    • Seismic fault lines
    • Underground water veins
    • Radioactive Geological Matter, such as Uranium and Coal
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Simply plug your Geoclense into any power outlet and turn the switch on. It doesn’t use any power. Instantly, your space will feel lighter, clearer and cleaner. Aside from that, it is also designed to be compact in size which makes it amazingly portable for your travel. For a healthier and cleaner spaces, grab your own Geoclense Home Harmonizer now.

The Geoclense Home Harmonizer is available with the correct plug fitting for most countries. Contact us to order your International Geoclense today.

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